About this product Muscle add mega arginine with its rich formula and a concentration of five mg of arginine in each scoop, this is one of the greatest arginine products on the market, ensuring its users the highest performance and strength in exercises.
Product description:
Muscle add mega arginine is very effective in stimulating the body's energy in exercises very naturally and without any danger, and you can consider it as your daily energy dose.
Each scoop of the product contains:
Serving size is five grams (1 scoop) of Arginine 5000 mg
Directions of use:
Mix one serving (1 scoop) with 150-200 ml with your favorite drink in a glass or blender to be used between meals and before exercise and training
Muscle add mega arginine helps you boost your energy during exercise.
Helps you increase blood flow in the arteries & veins and contributes in showing the muscle in a strong and attractive shape
Helps to increase the stimulation of growthmone, which helps in increasing the building factors in the muscles
Increases your strength during exercise and significantly improves your performance
If you're under the age of 18, you shouldn't use it
Please consult your doctor first if you have any medical conditions.